Thursday 6 August 2009

Hanging out in the park..

mummy is still wondering whether to take me back to the puppy socialisation thingee. I hope she decides not!

Today it was sunny when she got home from work, so she got my harness on, grapped her bff's, and off we went to the park.

what's that you got mummy?

I love the park - lots of smells, and grass and people. Not so sure about all the dogs though, but mummy insisted on introducing me to every good doggie she could find to try and undo the damage she thinks was done last night in puppy class.

I started to kinda like it towards the end I must admit. Lots of cool dogs around there - all well behaved.

Mummy finds it funny how people react to me on our walks - little kids think i am a toy dog, adults giggle and say I'm really cute. Mummy says they haven't seen my naughty side yet!

naughty eating weeds...mummy says I'll get a sore tummy ....hmmm

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Puppy Classes Night 1

Today has been a weird old day.
Mummy woke up and let me out of my crate at 5:30am. She didn't yell at me for waking her up so early...she is getting used to it!
We had breakfast, and a cuddle, and then I went back in my crate so mummy could get ready for work, but she took me with her in the car when she left, and took me into this place...all i could see was this dogs butt and a loud noise and his hair blowing all over the place. It was odd.

The lady and mummy talked for a while, and mummy left me there. I KNOW!!!

before the groomer got me...

I was a good boy though, and the lady sang me praises. She cut my face hair, so now I can see good again. She also cleaned my eyes, cut my toenails, and the hair around my feet and generally prettied me up. Mummy thinks I look funny with eyes.

with mummy after grooming...who knew i had eyes?!!!

So, I thought that was the excitement over...but nope. After dinner mummy took me out in the car again. When we got out of the car, lots of other people were getting out of their cars with dogs...all big and loud and barky.

I didn't like puppy class at all. Lots of big dogs running around trying to sniff my butt. I tried to be brave but it got too much for me and I tried to escape by climbing up the radiator...didn't work though.

Mummy got annoyed that the man in charge was getting other people to fed me their treats. She doesn't like not knowing what I'm being fed, and she got very upset but the man ignored her. He thinks she is being neurotic, but she just wants to avoid me getting a sore tummy again.

By the end of class I was hiding behind her and refusing to move. She is not sure whether we are going back or not - she wanted me to socialise with other dogs, but not in a chaotic way. There was blood on the floor from some poor dog that got bitten by a bully dog. Mummy doesn't want that to happen to me...

I think I prefer the groomers to be honest. The lady was nice and made me feel all clean and fluffy.